MRI Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is the imaging method of choice in the diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the muscle, joints and bone.

Injuries to the soft tissue, joints, and bones can be difficult to diagnose, even with a thorough physical examination by an expert. MRI provides physicians with the highly detailed images they need to accurately pinpoint and treat even the smallest soft-tissue injuries, including injuries to the muscle, ligament and meniscal tears, and problems with the cartilage and bone.

In many cases, MRI is a good, cost-effective alternative to surgery in the examination of injuries like rotator cuff tendonitis and bone bruises. With MRI, patients with these conditions may avoid surgery and get the care they need faster.

MRI’s ability to detect subtle bone marrow edema and problems with soft tissues also makes it the preferred imaging method in the diagnosis of many bone and soft tissue tumors, infection, and avascular necrosis, a disease in which bone tissue dies due to a lack of blood supply.